The funds for the Renew Atlanta / TSPLOST projects have fallen short of expectations and the city is prioritizing which projects will get funded and which will get the axe, according to a press release.
The city performed an initial survey to gauge interest in three scenarios:
Complete Streets: funding for complete street project implementation and designs
Foundational Investments: funding roadway repaving and core signal improvements
Max Leveraged Funding: funding projects that maximize leveraged funding to get “bang for the buck”
Results from the initial survey leaned heavily towards Complete Streets.
There's a new survey to get feedback on the latest trimmed down project list for Renew Atlanta bond and TSPLOST programs. It is available through March 15 at this web address:
Civic groups are encouraging residents to get involved with this process. Funds have been set aside for city renovation projects and the three scenarios have significant variations.
The Renew Atlanta and TSPLOST programs were launched in 2015 and 2016 to address an infrastructure backlog of more than $1 billion facing the city. Though the programs have made much progress to date delivering key projects across Atlanta, according to Renew Atlanta, there are significant challenges to complete the full initial program scope.
Simply put – the cost to deliver the full scope of the initial program considerably exceeds the funding available from the Renew Atlanta Bond and TSPLOST revenues.
The final project list is supposed to be set for approval in April.
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