Friends and family are grieving the loss of a wife and mother who died late last week from injuries she received in a car crash in Cobb County.

Jessica Senior, who was also pregnant with her fourth child, was fatally injured in an April 9 collision on Austell Road at Kurt Drive in Marietta. Her unborn baby also did not survive the trauma.

Senior’s husband, Antwan Senior, was charged by Cobb County police with vehicular homicide, feticide by vehicle and other traffic-related offenses.

Likisha Howard, Jessica Senior’s younger sister, said her family is praying and trying to stay strong while weathering the storm.

“She lived a good life, and she is still gone too soon,” Howard said through tears.

A GoFundMe account has been created to help Senior’s family pay for funeral expenses for the Marietta resident who leaves behind three young boys under the age of 12.

Campaign creator Patricia Baisden, who has a friend who knew Jessica Senior’s mother, said the family did not have life or health insurance to cover the cost of medical bills and burial expenses.

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“We all know that none of this is cheap and the Senior family is in need of financial blessing,” Baisden wrote on the GoFundMe page. “We ask that you please keep the family in your prayer.”

A funeral service is planned for 11 a.m. May 1 at Reunited in Christ Family Worship Center at 3888 Oglesby Road in Powder Springs. Visitation will be held one hour before the funeral begins.

Reunicie Boyd met Jessica Senior a little more than a year ago when the young mother was in a dire situation. Senior, who at the time was estranged from her husband and homeless, was looking for a place to live. Boyd said God “spoke to me,” and she offered Senior and her boys a place to live.

Senior moved into Boyd’s home and she began to flourish. She got involved with Boyd’s nonprofit, and begin attending Reunited in Christ Family Worship Center in Powder Springs.

Boyd was in the midst of helping Senior move into her own apartment when the young mother was dealt another blow: the death of her mother in February. Howard said their mother’s passing hit Senior hard and she eventually reunited with her husband, a move she didn’t like because he kept her isolated from her family. She also said Senior wanted to file for divorce, but was stalled by her husband’s refusal to sign the documents.

Shaun Smith, a bishop at Reunited in Christ, said while he only knew Senior for a little more than a year, he was impressed with the woman’s commitment to her faith and her children.

When she became a member of the church, Senior didn’t hesitate to roll up her sleeves to volunteer with the church’s ministries.

“She was a dedicated servant of the Lord,” he said.

If you want to make a donation to help Jessica Senior's family, visit the GoFundMe page.

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