Norcross recently unveiled “LiveNorcross” to promote inclusiveness and prosperity in the community by introducing affordable housing options through a new Georgia Initiative for Community Housing program.

With the “LiveNorcross: A Home to Imagine” initiative, Norcross aims to create quality rental and homeownership opportunities for families of all incomes to counter increased housing costs and foster a strong, stable and thriving community.

Norcross and the other communities selected are working on this program over three years, assisted by housing experts from the University of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Municipal Association, and others.

“As Norcross grows and develops, we want to ensure our city is an attractive place to live for all who call our city home,” says Norcross Mayor Craig Newton in a letter to citizens announcing the initiative. “Our desire is that Norcross feels like home to all our residents, regardless of where they reside or if they rent, lease or own a home in our great city.”

Information:; navigate to the “Live Norcross” tab under Departments Community Development.

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