Four legislative priorities are being recommended by the Marietta City Schools Board of Education to the Cobb County delegation of the Georgia General Assembly when they convene in January.

Topics include assessment flexibility, College and Career Academy, school safety and the school calendar:

  • Priority 1: Assessment Flexibility. Increase accountability for student achievement. Legislators should continue to seek the most comprehensive and statistically valid assessment model for Georgia students.
  • Priority 2: College and Career Academy. Resources need to support partnerships that assist these academies throughout Georgia for workforce readiness.
  • Priority 3: School Safety. A proactive, collaborative approach is needed for school safety, according to the MCS board. More resources for Georgia school districts are needed to make the necessary improvements to protect students, staff and school facilities. However, their allocation should be decided by local school districts to tailor safety improvements to the specific needs of their schools and communities.
  • Priority 4: School Calendar. Boards of Education should have the final decision regarding the appropriate start date for the school year.

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