If you like drinking with llamas, that’s quite different.

But if that’s the case, you might be interested in a pub crawl happening in East Atlanta Village next month.

The Llama Pub Crawl was organized to support Southeast Llama Rescue, a nonprofit that protects abused, neglected, unwanted and "behaviorally unmanageable" llamas, according to the website.

Guests are encouraged to wear pajamas for the crawl on Feb. 17 from 2 to 6 p.m., according to the Facebook event page. Participating bars and more details are forthcoming.

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A similar event — which featured four llamas adopted by Wit’s End Llama Consortium, a farm owned by Tracy and Liam Munroe — was held in October in Little Five Points.

That function was in memory of Wamdi Tanka, a Wit’s End llama who died at 21 years old.

“Tanka was a favorite among the many Atlanta Christmas and St. Patrick parades and other PR events,” a statement from the Munroes said at the time. “He will be missed greatly.”

The Munroes created the event with Jenny Belgard.

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