The Holly Springs City Council has barred alcoholic beverages from the community center – the historic railroad depot at 164 Hickory Road – unless an off-duty city police officer, paid for by the renter, is present.

Updating its policy for use of the community center, the council also restricted alcohol to the interior of the building, to guests at least 21 years old, served by a bartender with a serving permit issued by any jurisdiction in Cherokee County. No alcoholic beverages may be sold, and cash bars are not permitted. Guests cannot bring alcohol, only the renter.

Replacement key fee is $75. The damage and cleaning deposit is $175.

Rental fees for residents are $175 for the first four hours and $25 per hour thereafter, up to $425 for all-day use ($325, $25 and $550, respectively, for non-residents).

City employees and elected officials can use the conference center without charge for a private event not open to the public. Non-profit organizations are allowed one meeting a month without charge Monday through Thursday.

Non profits still have to post the $175 damage and cleaning deposit.