Henry County sheriff visits recovering deputies after deadly shooting

Henry County Sheriff Keith McBrayer says two deputies shot during a fatal gun battle a week ago are recovering.

McBrayer visited both deputies Thursday, Channel 2 Action News reported.

Deputy Michael Corley is recuperating at home and Deputy Ralph “Sid” Callaway is still at Atlanta Medical Center, McBrayer said.

Locust Grove Officer Chase Maddox was killed providing backup for the deputies serving a warrant at a home when the suspect opened fire on the men. His wife gave birth to their second child days after the fatal shooting.

The sheriff said last Friday was one of his worst days.

“I feel very responsible,” he told Channel 2. “It hurts when you see your guys get hurt.”

McBrayer said a "sovereign citizen" opened fire on two of his deputies.

McBrayer drove to Atlanta to visit Calloway in the hospital Thursday morning and reported the deputy was staying positive.

“He actually can get up and walk in the halls a little bit as long as he rolls around with his equipment with him,” McBrayer told Channel 2. “But he’s in great spirits, improving every day.”

Calloway was shot just below his bulletproof vest and had emergency surgery. He hasn’t been able to eat solid food since.

“They’re just feeding him liquids and stuff through tubes, but he’s doing better,” McBrayer said.

Calloway said he hopes doctors will release him from the hospital so he can attend the funeral for Maddox on Saturday.

“He wants to do that. It’d mean something to him,” McBrayer said.

Corley, who is recovering at home, is battling the emotional scars.

“He has tears in his eyes and he’s trying to deal with stuff but he’s still sore, he’s still hurting,” McBrayer told Channel 2. “He’s got some bruises but very blessed.”

A Henry County deputy's car is parked in front of Atlanta Medical Center.

McBrayer said he will keep a deputy posted there until Calloway can go home.

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