How do the parents of eight children keep up with all of their kids? The same way other parents do, family group chats. Except, with a family of ten, messages can easily get drowned out.
That’s exactly what happened to the mom of Cori Bostic, Florida A&M’s first female drum major.
When Cori was chosen as a drum major for FAMU’s Marching 100, she dropped the news in her family group chat. Lenise Bostic, Cori’s mom, didn’t see the message right away.
“I didn’t see it for an hour and a half later,” said Lenise.
Once she finally saw the message, she couldn’t contain her excitement.
“I screamed,” Lenise said. “I closed my door and said ‘yes.’ I called my husband and her papi. We were just happy and relieved. You’re happy when your child meets their goal.”
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According to Lenise, this isn’t Cori’s first time trying out for drum major. She went for the position last year and didn’t make it. Lenise explained that Cori decided to do some extra training before tryouts this year.
“She worked out with a personal trainer last summer and went back to be the best she can be,” said Lenise.
Lenise explained that she isn’t surprised by her Cori’s accomplishment, she’s just happy that all of her hard work has paid off.
“She sets a goal and she reaches it,” said Lenise.
Cori was named the first female drum major at FAMU on Tuesday. Bostic, a junior, has played piccolo with the FAMU Marching 100 for the past two years.
The new drum major is an Atlanta native and former student at Southwest DeKalb .
FAMU’s band is well known as it has appeared in Super Bowls, concerts, television commercials and presidential inaugural parades.
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