The Roswell Police Department needs to focus on recruiting and hiring more women and people of color as sworn officers to better represent the community they serve, and more minorities for civilian positions.

That's one of 86 recommendations by the Center for Public Safety Management, retained by the city last fall to assess the department after some embarrassing incidents. A draft Police Operations and Data Analysis Report has been posted online; a final report is expected to the City Council in July, the city said.

Others recommendations include creating an Internal Affairs Unit as part of the Office of Professional Standards to handle inquiries and investigations; ensuring a progressive, consistent disciplinary policy; and reviewing salary policies that may discourage officer movement to management ranks.

"It is our opinion that the department reflects a modern police agency that is professional and responsive to the community's needs," the report says. Information:

CPSM’s assessment was to include a data-driven analysis of actual workloads; recommendations for staffing and deployment levels; a review of polices and procedures; an examination of the department’s organizational structure and culture; and a “gap analysis” of present conditions versus best practices, the city said.

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