Cobb EMC board member election to be Nov. 12

The first round of board member elections for four of the 10 board seats will be Nov. 12 at Piedmont Church in Marietta, according to a court order released Thursday.

EMC members can vote at the church from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. An 8 a.m. election day meeting will include announcements, presentations by the nominees and comments by members.

Fifteen candidates are vying for the four seats in areas 1, 6, 7 and 10. Two of the incumbent directors, Don Barnett in area 1 and Al Fortney in area 6, are not seeking re-election. The elected board members will serve until 2014. Janel Davis

Cobb Diaper Day to be Monday

The third annual Cobb Diaper Day collection will benefit several area non-profit organizations, including MUST Ministries, Sweetwater Valley CAMP and The Center for Family Resources. The diapers will be collected at 5 p.m. at Glover Park in the Marietta Square.

Information: Janel Davis

Marietta conducts emergency training

Marietta city departments and partners conducted an emergency training exercise Thursday. In a simulated terrorist attack on City Hall, volunteer “victims” affected by a toxic substance were decontaminated by the fire department’s hazardous materials team and taken to WellStar Kennestone Hospital. Marietta Police investigated. The public works, water, power, communications and administrative departments participated along with WellStar Health System, Cobb & Douglas Public Health, MetroAtlanta Ambulance Service and Cobb Emergency Management Agency. Andria Simmons

Deadline Oct. 31 to get in tennis tourney

Oct. 31 at noon is the registration deadline for the annual Cobb Christmas Adult Classic Tennis Tournament. It will be Nov. 4-6 at the Sweetwater Tennis Center, 2447 Clay Road, Austell. Registration fee is $15 plus a $20 donation or an unwrapped toy. Players must be 19 and older and members of the United States Tennis Association. Information: facility manager Charlie McCoy at 770-819-3221.Carolyn Cunningham for the AJC

Fall Jonquil Festival opens today

Smyrna’s Fall Jonquil Festival opens today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday on the downtown Village Green. Activities will include a Fresh Harvest Market, an Artists Market, Kids Zone with puppeteer Peter Hart and acoustical musician Scott Thompson at the Smyrna Veterans Memorial on Kings Street. Tucker McQueen for the AJC

Three men rob pharmacy in Austell

Three unidentified, armed men held up the Physicians Pharmacy Wednesday morning in Austell.

There was no detailed description of the suspects, who ordered everyone to get on the floor and pilfered the drawers to select the prescription medications they wanted, according to Cobb County Police.

The trio fled northbound on Austell Road. They were believed to have been driving a silver Infiniti QX45.

Anyone with information should call Cobb police at 770-499-3945. Andria Simmons


Renovated Bethesda Park senior center reopens

Following a major renovation, Gwinnett County has reopened the Senior Recreation Center at Bethesda Park, 225 Bethesda Church Road, Lawrenceville.

The center opened Thursday after the county installed new lighting and plumbing fixtures, cabinets and countertops and made other upgrades.

For information on upcoming events at the senior center visit or call 770-564-4680. David Wickert

Library to celebrate GWTW’s 75th

The Gwinnett County Public Library will celebrate the 75th anniversary of “Gone With the Wind” with a lecture at 7 p.m. Oct. 27 at its Collins Hill branch, 455 Camp Perrin Road, Lawrenceville.

Marianne Walker, author of “Margaret Mitchell and John Marsh: The Love Story Behind Gone With the Wind,” will speak and sign books. For more information visit or call 770-978-5154. David Wickert

Breast cancer fashion event Thursday

2 Brown Ladies Entertainment and The Breast Cancer Society are hosting “Survive In Style”, a breast cancer awareness fashion event. The event is Thursdayat 6 p.m. at the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse, 185 Crogan Street, Lawrenceville. A percentage of proceeds from this event go to the Breast Cancer Society. Information: Email Meek Brown at or call 404-667-5073 and 678-310-8378. Sandra Marshal Murray

Norcross hosts 5th annual Rocktoberfest

The 5th Annual Rocktoberfest, a festival of music geared toward celebrating the roots of classic, and hard rock is on Saturday from noon to midnight at the North Atlanta Trade Center, 1700 Jeurgens Court, in Norcross. Holdcell along with over thirty local acts on two stages will kick off the festival. Information: 770-279-9899 or Kenneth Musisi

Race/walk to benefit parks foundation

The Third Annual 5K Road Race and Canine and Carriage Walk will take place at 9 and 9:10 a.m., respectively, on Nov. 5 at Tribble Mill Park in Lawrenceville. Medals will be presented to all participants upon completion of the race and registered runners receive t-shirts. The pre-registration fee is $20 by Oct. 31, or $25 per person on-site. Proceeds benefit the Gwinnett Parks Foundation. Register online at Mea Watkins

Gwinnett Habitat to hold talent show

Supporters of Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity are invited to the eighth-annual St. Matthew’s Talent Show and Ice Cream Social on Oct. 30. The show is scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church at 1520 Oak Road in Snellville. Suggested donations of $10 for an individual and $25 for a family will be collected at the door. Information: Joel Anderson


Counterfeit $100 bills passed in Alpharetta

The same man passed two counterfeit $100 bills at different establishments on Wednesday, according to Alpharetta Police reports.

The first phony bill was passed at the AMC Movie theater at 7730 North Point Parkway. It was actually a washed $5 bill. The second -- also a washed $5 bill -- was passed at the Barnes & Noble bookstore at 7660 North Point Parkway.

The suspect was described as a black male of medium build wearing a denim hoodie and dark jogging pants. Andria Simmons

Candidate forum in Johns Creek Tuesday

The Johns Creek High School Parent Teacher Student Association will sponsor a candidate and issues forum at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the high school auditorium, 5575 State Bridge Road.

The forum will feature the three candidates for the Johns Creek’s one contested City Council seat, Swapna Bhave, Steve Broadbent and Brad Raffensperger.

At 7:30, there will be a discussion on the Fulton County Schools proposed one-cent sales tax.

Information: Patrick Fox

Work to close Fowler Road in Forsyth

Fowler Road will be closed to through traffic today and Sunday to allow crews to install triple cross drains at its intersection with Ga. 9 in Forsyth County. The road is scheduled to re-open late Sunday. Work was previously scheduled for earlier this month.

The project is funded by the county’s current special purpose local option sales tax program. Patrick Fox

Rivers Alive cleanup in Milton today

Milton’s “Rivers Alive” waterways cleanup, education and protection program is today at Bailey Farm & Gardens, 255 Hickory Flat Road, one mile west of the Birmingham Crossroads.

Volunteers are asked to gather at 9 a.m. when they will be assigned to local waterways in the Coosa River watershed to remove debris. Waders and boots could come in handy. Younger participants will apply storm drain markers in a local neighborhood.

Registration and information:, or 678-242-2509. Patrick Fox

Garden club to hold landscaping class

The Roswell Garden Club will present Landscaping with Japanese Maples on Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Bill Johnson Community Activity Building, 10495 Woodstock Road in Roswell. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit Kenneth Musisi

Forsyth Democrats to hold fundraiser

The public is invited to a documentary screening fundraiser hosted by the Forsyth County Democratic Party on Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Cumming Playhouse, located at 101 School St. Featured documentary presentations: The Billionaire’s Tea Party and Big Bucks, Big Pharma. Suggested donation is $15. Information: 770-889-2859. Veronica Fields Johnson


Usher’s foundation to host youths

Usher’s New Look Foundation, a non-profit founded by musician and Atlanta native Usher Raymond IV, will host a group of 150 Atlanta youths nominated by schools, churches and counselors today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Emory University. The eighth-graders will earn a certification making them eligible to enter Usher’s four-year leadership academy designed to get young people involved in addressing problems in their communities. Information: Jaime Sarrio

Sen. Isakson to speak to Kiwanis Club

Sen. Johnny Isakson will address Kiwanis Club of Atlanta at their luncheon meeting on Tuesday at The Loudermilk Center, 40 Courtland Street, in Atlanta. The presentation topic will be “Budget Problems – Is Biennial Budgeting the Answer.” from approximately 12:15 -- 1 p.m. Kenneth Musisi

Pit Bull Rally today in Perkerson Park

The Underdog Initiative, a nonprofit organization to educate the public on the pit bull, has an Atlanta Pit Bull Rally today in Perkerson Park.

The main event is the Lug-Nuts Canine Weight pulling Contest, which Underdog created as a competition for dogs.

Registration for the contest at noon and competition begins at 1 p.m. Rally lasts to 5 p.m. 770 Deckner Ave. SW. Information at Steve Visser

ALS Association to hold walk today

The ALS Association Georgia Chapter will hold its annual walk to defeat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) on today at the International Plaza of the World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 10:30 a.m. Funds raised will support research, a variety of assistance services and equipment loan programs for ALS patients in Georgia. To sign up or for more information, please visit or call 404-636-9909. Kenneth Musisi


Ex-Chamblee employee indicted in ticket scam

A former city of Chamblee employee was indicted Thursday on charges that she altered traffic citations to get refunds for the offenders, then kept the money herself.

Bobbi Jean Farrell, 34, is charged with racketeering, two counts of falsifying official documents and four counts of theft by taking. Between April and June of this year, Farrell is accused of changing four citations to show that prosecutors decided not to press charges in each case, and subsequently creating bogus city bond refund forms to return cash deposited for bail back to the offenders, according to the indictment.

She then intercepted checks cut for the offenders and deposited the money into her own bank account. Marcus K. Garner

Avondale Estates forum Tuesday

An Avondale Estates campaign forum is scheduled for Tuesday, 7 p.m., at the Avondale Estates City Hall. The mayoral race between incumbent Ed Rieker and David Milliron has become particularly prickly in the past two weeks. Both have fired off public emails countering each other, mostly concerning the city’s property tax and downtown development issues. Other candidates participating include Randy Beebe, Lindsay Forlines, John Quinn and John Washburn, running for Commission seats vacated by Milliron and Michael Payne. Bill Banks for the AJC

Decatur Bargain Bazaar this weekend

The 22nd annual Decatur Bargain Bazaar, a big yard sale with gently used items will be today 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, 1-4 p.m. at Brownstones of Decatur, 1021 Scott Blvd. Sale items include: quality furniture, electronics, housewares, home décor, toys, baby items, books and much more. Admission is free. Bargain Bazaar is the Junior League of DeKalb County’s largest fundraiser and supports various community projects. Information: Visit or call 404-378-4536. Kenneth Musisi

200 help clean Twin Brothers Lakes

Nearly 200 volunteers participated in the Tucker Civic Association’s fourth annual “Rivers Alive” project by cleaning up at the beautiful Twin Brothers Lakes on Oct. 1. Volunteers pulled out thousands of pounds of trash and recyclables from the lakes and surrounding forests, and hacked down vines and other invasive species, making the project a huge success. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources created the “Rivers Alive” program to encourage citizens across the state to clean up local waterways each autumn. Kenneth Musisi

Screening for Jewish genetic diseases Nov. 13

A screening for potential carriers of 19 Jewish genetic diseases will be conducted Nov. 13 at the Marcus Jewish Community Center in Dunwoody. The screenings can identify whether prospective parents are carriers of a genetic disease that could threaten the health of their children. Jewish individuals of Central and Eastern European descent are at risk of being carriers for the conditions. Advance registration required at, where additional information is available. The screening is coordinated by Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen. Carrie Teegardin


Dutchtown educator teacher of the year

Jennifer PaskVan, a sixth grade teacher at Dutchtown Middle School, was named Teacher of the Year for Henry County Schools on Thursday night.

PaskVan was a finalist, along with Charlotte Tyson from Stockbridge Elementary and Suzanne Scudder from Woodland High School.

She received a new 2011 Honda Civic and the opportunity to attend an educational conference of her choice. Nancy Badertscher

Peachtree City gears up for Halloween

You’re in for a spooktacular weekend in Peachtree City next week as three events offer Halloween treats. The Frederick Brown Amphitheater will host the 2nd annual “Not so Frightful” Storytelling and Halloween party Oct. 29 from 2-4 p.m. The event is free. This year’s party is bigger because The Fred joins with two other events happening today in the amphitheater complex. The Line Creek Civitan’s Great Chili Challenge starts at 11 a.m. and “Howl-O-Ween” presented by the Peachtree City Dog Park Association also is featured. Tammy Joyner

Academy graduates 12 new officers

The first class of the revived Clayton County Police Academy were set to graduate Friday at the Clayton County Police Headquarters in Jonesboro. Twelve candidates were set to graduate. After the county’s regional academy was disbanded a couple of years ago, the Clayton County Police Department received POST approval earlier this year to create the new Clayton County Police Academy. Tammy Joyner

Teen safety seminar at Starr’s Mill High Tuesday

A Community Awareness Seminar about teen safety will be held Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Starr’s Mill High School auditorium.

Representatives from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office and Peachtree City Police will be on hand for topics including texting while driving, Internet safety, social networking and laws related to minors possessing controlled substances.

The event, hosted by the Fayette County Board of Education, is intended for students in grades 8-12 and their parents. Jill Howard Church for the AJC

Peachtree City to hold candidate forum

The two candidates competing for Post 1 on the City Council of Peachtree City will attend a Rotary Club forum Monday night.

Incumbent Eric Imker and challenger Stephen Allen will appear from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail.

Prepared questions and others from the audience will be discussed. The election is Nov. 8. Jill Howard Church for the AJC

McDonough Square welcomes trick-or-treaters

Trick or Treat on the Square in McDonough is set for Oct. 28, from 3-5 p.m. Residents are encourage to come out and see the various costumes during what officials are calling a “fun-filled, candy-gathering day.” It is sponsored by the McDonough Main Street Program. Monroe Roark for the AJC

About the Author


State Rep. Kimberly New, R-Villa Rica, stands in the House of Representatives during Crossover Day at the Capitol in Atlanta on Thursday, March 6, 2025. (Arvin Temkar/AJC)

Credit: Arvin Temkar/AJC