The Clayton County Board of Commissioners will hold a budget hearing at 6 p.m. on May 16 in the Commissioners’ Board Room, 112 Smith Street in Jonesboro. The proposed FY2018 budget will be presented.

Some highlights of the proposed budget are general fund budget totals $200 million, an increase of $10.1 million, or 5.4 percent, from the FY 2017 amended budget. The increase results primarily from expenditure increases for compensation enhancements for eligible public safety personnel as well as a cost of living adjustment for all eligible employees and enhancements to various departments, according to county documents.

Other changes include:

Property tax revenue gross millage will decrease by .176 mills to 21.924 mills resulting in the net millage remaining at 16.596 mills after applying the LOST credit.

Other taxes and assessments, which includes local option sales taxes as its largest category, are projected to be 0.1 percent lower than the FY 2017 amended budget. Licenses and permits are projected to be 19.0 percent higher than prior year. Intergovernmental revenue is projected to be 2.3 percent higher than prior year. Fines and Forfeitures have decreased by 7.1 percent as a result of lower fines due to pre-trial intervention activities.

Personnel expenses will increase by $1.90 million. Prior to this increase, the FY 2017 budget included payroll enhancements through a 3 percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) at a cost of $3.5 million.


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Georgia Power's Plant Bowen in Cartersville is shown in this 2015 photo. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS)
