The day when we give thanks to the American way of commerce, Black Friday, is almost here.

You and yours can partake at two of North Fulton’s largest shopping centers, Avalon and North Point Mall.

Avalon, which opened in 2014, was once a muddy hill. Now, it’s home to half-a-million square feet of high-end retail.

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Black Friday shopping at Avalon, 400 Avalon Boulevard, will run from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., according to its website.

The first 50 guests to stop by Concierge at 9 a.m. can participate in the Black Friday Swag Crawl. Avalon describes it like so: “Pick up your special swag crawl bag & map and stop by participating locations to fill up your bag with exciting items & promotions from Avalon retailers and restaurants.”

From Athleta to West Elm, here's a list of which Avalon stores are offering what on Black Friday.

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North Point Mall opened in 1993 and quickly became a power center for shopping on the Northside. Having seen better days, North Point is set for a massive overhaul with housing and retail and more.

But before then, Black Friday hours will be from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. On the day of Thanksgiving, the mall will be open from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Here's a list of North Point shops.

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