Atlanta police reorganization highlights Reed's first full day as mayor

In his first full day on the job, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed unveiled a reorganization of the police department's command staff and announced other plans including one to hire an economic development czar. (See list at end of story.)

Acting Police Chief George Turner promoted several longtime leaders to new positions to boost morale among officers. The moves included promoting Peter Andresen from deputy of field operations to assistant chief, Ernest Finley from Zone 3 Commander to deputy of field operations, Calvin Moss from the special operation center to deputy chief of criminal investigations and Shawn Jones from the airport to deputy chief of the support services division.

"We think it rewards folks who've done the job well," Turner told reporters.

Some of the people who held those positions left the department with former Chief Richard Pennington. Other changes were described as lateral moves.

Lt. Scott Kreher, head of the city's largest police union, said the changes are well-received because the new hierarchy is composed of  experienced officers who will "get back to crime fighting." He said the most significant change may be Finley, whom he described as a "hard-charging" officer who could put in place several initiatives to combat the rise in property crimes.

Kreher said the moves may determine whether Turner gets the chief job permanently. Reed is conducting a search for chief and wants to hire someone within 120 days.

Turner said department officials were meeting Tuesday to discuss some crime fighting objectives. He said the department is going to work with the Fulton County District Attorney's office on a burglary task force. The 50 officers hired through a federal grant will be used for community policing, Turner said.

Hallmarks of Reed's campaign were combating violent crime and street gangs and increasing the size of the police force. The mayor said opening all of the city's recreation centers should help keep young people off the streets and out of trouble. Reed said he's started a "robust fund-raising effort" with some of the city's big businesses to pay for opening and operating the centers.

The new mayor, who was sworn in Monday, said he woke up at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday and held several meetings with city officials before attending a luncheon at the Kiwanis Club of Atlanta.

There, he told the crowd of about 150 people that he wants to make it easier for businesses to operate in the city.

"Any elected official who is not focused on retaining jobs and job creation in this (economic) environment is missing it," Reed said.

His statement that he wants to improve the permitting department got a smattering of applause. The mayor said he's looking at Cobb County as a model of how the city can help businesses get their permits approved more quickly. Reed said the effort will be led by senior policy adviser David Bennett, a former AJC reporter.

Chris Burke, vice president of government affairs for the Greater Atlanta Homebuilders Association, said the permitting process is slower in Atlanta in part because it's easier for citizens to appeal building permits.

Reed said he wants to create what he described as an "economic development czar" who reports directly to him. That person will work to create and retain jobs for businesses in the city as well as assisting them. The mayor said it will differ from the Atlanta Development Authority because the new position "gives speed to decision-making, speed to input and speed to what problems are out there."

The mayor was asked about his vision for the Beltline project, a 22-mile loop that's envisioned to have mixed-use development and more greenspace over the next two decades. Reed said he wants to speed up the Beltline development process to eight to 12 years, but he said his immediate focus is on preparing a proposal to the Obama administration to get funding for the Peachtree Streetcar project, which is estimated to cost $300 million.

"It's hard for the public to remain engaged in it," Reed said of the Beltline. "You are already seeing Beltline fatigue."

Police department changes

POSITION                                           PAST PERSON                                     NEW PERSON

Assistant Police Chief                          Alan Dreher                                           Peter Andresen

Deputy Chief of Field Operations        Peter Andresen                                      Ernest Finley

Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigations  Carlos Banda                                         Calvin Moss

Deputy Chief of Support Services       George Turner                                        Shawn Jones

Chief of Staff                                       Pearlene Williams                                  Ericka Shields

Office of Professional Standards         Lane Hagin                                            Moses Perdue

Vehicles for Hire                                  Malachi Hall                                          Same

Zone 1 Commander                             Valerie Dalton                                        Same

Zone 2 Commander                             Robert Browning                                    Same

Zone 3 Commander                             Ernest Finley                                         Reginald Mitchell

Zone 4 Commander                             Moses Perdue                                       Khalfani Yabuku

Zone 5 Commander                             Khirus Williams                                     Same

Zone 6 Commander                              Renee Propes                                        John Dalton

Special Operations Section                  Calvin Moss                                           Lane Hagin

Airport Section                                      Shawn Jones                                         Renee Propes

Major Crimes                                         John Dalton                                           Keith Meadows

Special Enforcement                             Debra Williams                                      Christopher Leighty

Corporate Services                                Major Dallas                                          Debra Williams

Information Services                               Daryl Tolleson                                        Same

Training                                                  Siobhan O’Brien                                     Same

Communications Section                        Brenda Ross                                         Same