The Alpharetta City Council has awarded a $55,993 contract to Hasley Recreation Inc. to replace eight shade structures on Fields 1 through 4 at North Park.
The city had partnered with the Alpharetta Youth Softball Association to buy and install the shades over the North Park bleachers in the late spring of 2016, splitting the $27,400 cost 50-50, staff said in a report to the council.
Since then, weather conditions forced repeated repairs. Heavy snows on Dec. 5, 2017, caused all eight structures to fail, and repairs are no longer feasible, staff said. The new shades will be mounted on in-ground supports, as opposed to surface-mounted poles previously, to better handle the weather.
Because of the untimely failure and a rapidly approaching summer softball tournament season – including two major, national tournaments scheduled for June and July – staff could not pursue the formal procurement process and instead obtained three quotes from vendors. Hasley submitted the lowest responsive and responsible quote, staff said.
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