Friendly companions needed

Volunteers are needed to provide companionship, music, or activities such as puzzles and bingo. Emotional maturity and dependability are necessary. Free training is provided.

When: ongoing

Who: Crossroads Hospice

Where: various locations throughout metro Altlanta

Contact: 770-270-9898 or

Applications available for summer volunteens

DeKalb Medical will begin accepting applications for its Summer Volunteer Program on Friday with a closing registration date of Feb. 27. Registration is open to all teens ages 14-18 with at least one year of high school course work completed. Applications received before Jan. 2 will not be considered.

The DeKalb Medical Volunteen program allows students to assist hospital staff in various departments in the facilities. The students also participate in Lunch and Learn events with medical professionals to learn about various jobs in the healthcare field.

When: summer

Who: DeKalb Medical Center

Where: 495 Winn Way, Decatur


Families wanted for ‘Service Saturdays’

Hands On Atlanta is hosting Family Service Saturdays’ Holiday Service Camp. Families are invited to come out to contribute to the day-to-day work of the Atlanta Children’s Shelter by assembling hygiene kits. These will support the shelter’s efforts to give the gift of transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency.

Volunteers must be families with children ages 5-17.

Adults unaccompanied by children are not permitted to serve

When: 10 a.m. to noon Monday

Who: Atlanta Children's Shelter

Where: 607 Peachtree Street Northeast


Calling environmentally conscience volunteers

In the spirit of the holiday season give the gift of volunteering for the South River Rivercane Reintroduction Project. Volunteers will help to restore the South River by removing invasive Chinese privet which will allow native rivercane to regrow. As rivercane is reestablished, water quality in the river will improve. Sign up online at

When: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 10; Jan. 31; Feb. 21; March 7; March 14; March 28; April 11; April 25; May 9

Who: South River Watershed Alliance

Where: Panola Mountain State Park



Tax time helpers

As a part of its tax aide program that serves helps people prepare and file electronically, federal and state tax returns in Georgia at no charge for low and middle income people/families with emphasis on people over 60, AARP needs volunteers as tax preparers, greeters and help with communication. There is no charge for training.

When: various times from Feb. 2 to April 15


Where: various locations through the metro area


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