Should high school students in Georgia take the new SAT or the ACT?
And where are the scores from the June 4 SAT?
While ACT scores from the June 11 test date came back in 10 days, students in Georgia are still waiting for their SAT scores from June 4. The College Board says those scores will not be released until July 21.
“The score delivery window for the spring 2016 administrations of the new SAT is longer than in the past. Consistent with work that is done to redesign any standardized test, we needed time to finalize the technical infrastructure of the SAT Suite of Assessments, including the vertical scale, concordance, and the benchmarks,” said David Gupta, vice president of the Southern Region College Board.
Gupta also addressed concerns of prep companies, some of which are advising students to focus on the ACT this year because of unknowns around the new SAT.
To read more, go to the AJC Get Schooled blog.
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