Douglas County Public Schools have added a new system that will provide an extra layer of security at all schools.

Parents and other visitors will be asked to sign in and obtain a badge from the newly installed Raptor Visitor Management System each time they visit the school. Visitors will scan their government issued photo identification which will be screened against the National Sex Offender Registry. The Raptor system will produce a badge with a photo of the visitor which must be worn while the visitor is on campus and must be scanned when leaving campus.

The Raptor system will also be used when parents check students in or out of school.

Kwame Carr, assistant superintendent of district operations, said the purchase is a wise investment. “This system offers a quick, efficient way for our district to identify registered sex offenders on-site at each school location. We may also use this information to identify proper guardianship in cases of court-related custody issues.”

Other school districts such as Fulton County and Forsyth County have similar systems.

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