Wild creatures, of course, don’t observe holidays. But for us, holidays are key dates, easy to remember. As such, they can help guide us through the natural year, such as reminding us when to hang feeders or when to expect migratory birds to arrive. Here are some examples.

By Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14), bluebirds are checking out nesting sites; bluebird boxes should be clean and ready for occupancy. Purple martins are arriving. Spring peepers are calling. Bobcats, coyotes, foxes, skunks and raccoons are breeding. Red maple trees are bursting into bloom; early wildflowers such as trout lilies, yellow jessamine and hepatica are blooming.

By St. Patrick’s Day (March 17), ruby-throated hummingbirds are headed back from winter grounds in Central America; be ready for them with clean, full nectar feeders. Spring ephemeral wildflowers start blooming. Bees are buzzing.

By Easter (April 20 this year), warblers and other neotropical songbirds are arriving from Latin America. A plethora of spring wildflowers are blooming, attracting butterflies. Loggerhead sea turtles start laying eggs on beaches.

By Memorial Day (May 26 this year), spring migration is a wrap. Nesting season moves into full throttle. Exuberant bird song fills the air.

By Independence Day (July 4), hummingbirds begin returning to backyard feeders to fatten up for their arduous fall migration. Many year-round birds are tending to second broods of the season.

By Labor Day (Sept. 1 this year), asters, goldenrods and other late summer wildflowers are blooming. Fall bird migration picks up. Snakes are at their highest numbers of the year.

By Columbus Day (Oct. 13), fall migration is in full swing. Many birds that nest up north — cedar waxwings, sapsuckers, kinglets — are arriving in Georgia for the winter. Vibrant fall leaf color is appearing in the mountains. By Veterans Day (Nov. 11), fall migration is mostly over; fall leaf color is just past its peak.

By Thanksgiving, bald eagles are incubating eggs; by Christmas, great horned owls are hooting and courting.

IN THE SKY: From David Dundee, Tellus Science Museum astronomer: The moon will be first quarter on Wednesday. Venus is in the west at dusk and sets an hour later. Mars is high in the east just after dark. Jupiter is high in the south after dark. Saturn is very low in the west just after dark.

Charles Seabrook can be reached at charles.seabrook@yahoo.com.

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