Elizabeth Warren cutting back Nevada, South Carolina ads, pinning hopes on Super Tuesday

Warren finished behind surging Amy Klobuchar in New Hampshire

Elizabeth Warren, who fared poorly in the nationally ridiculed Iowa Democratic caucus and Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, is reportedly pulling several hundred thousand dollars in ads in Nevada and South Carolina, the next two battlegrounds.

Warren has canceled more than $500,000 in campaign ads in South Carolina and $60,000 in Nevada, according to Kantar Media data.

Later reports Wednesday said Warren did not cut all of her Nevada advertising.

Ad Analytics, which tracks political spending, tweeted Wednesday the Massachusetts senator was cutting spending in Nevada and South Carolina, where voters head to the polls to pick their top Democrat among a dwindling field of candidates on Feb. 22 and Feb. 29, respectively.

Warren finished fourth in New Hampshire behind a late-surging Amy Klobuchar, with 9% of the vote.

Sensing a poor showing, former Vice President Joe Biden canceled a Tuesday night New Hampshire rally and headed instead to South Carolina, a state he is predicting he will win Feb. 29. Biden finished behind Warren with 8%.

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Warren and Biden may be aiming their hopes at Super Tuesday on March 3, when 14 states will hold primaries.

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet and tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang ended their White House bids Tuesday night. Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick ended his campaign Wednesday.

»Full results of New Hampshire primary

Early voting in Nevada's Democratic caucus begins Saturday and finishes Feb. 22. For early voting, the state party will use new paper-based balloting for its early vote as it scrambles to reconfigure plans and avoid tech problems and reporting delays that mired Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses.