Free beer for furloughed federal workers

The AJC would like to hear from families affected by the ongoing shutdown. Please email
Photo: SweetWater Brewing Co.



Photo: SweetWater Brewing Co.

In south metro Atlanta tonight, a stay-at-home mom starts her new waitressing job. Her husband, a furloughed federal worker not sure when his next paycheck comes, has picked up carpool duty as they try to figure out how to weather the ongoing government shutdown.

Elsewhere, a Georgia Head Start Pre-k teacher worries about funding for her students’ lunches. An idled worker wonders how to tackle a mounting pile of medical bills. A National Weather Service meteorologist just spent his birthday on the job - without being paid.

These are some of the experiences the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is hearing about as we report on the local impact of the partial federal government shutdown.

We’d like to hear yours, too. Please email

Meantime, Sweetwater Brewery is here to help:

CONTINUING COVERAGE:  When will TSA employees get paid again?