Convicted sex offender arrested after trying to lure girl at Roswell bus stop, police say

William Marvin Howard was charged with one count of enticing a child for indecent purposes after he offered to give an 11-year-old girl a ride home after she got off the school bus, police said.

Credit: Henri Hollis

Credit: Henri Hollis

William Marvin Howard was charged with one count of enticing a child for indecent purposes after he offered to give an 11-year-old girl a ride home after she got off the school bus, police said.

A registered sex offender was arrested Tuesday after Roswell police said he approached an 11-year-old girl and offered her a ride home after she got off the school bus.

William Marvin Howard, 71, of Roswell, was booked into the Fulton County Jail on one count of enticing a child for indecent purposes. He was previously convicted in 2011 of lewd or lascivious molestation of a 12- to 15-year-old victim in Volusia County, Florida.

The investigation in Roswell began Feb. 16 after the girl’s parent told authorities they witnessed Howard approach her from his car while she got off the school bus, police said in a news release Friday. Howard offered to give her a ride to her home within their mutual neighborhood of Warm Springs Circle, police added. Howard did not have a previous relationship with the girl, according to authorities.

After the incident, the girl’s mother told police she looked through the sex offender registry and came across Howard.

Police investigated the encounter at the bus stop, as well as past contact between the girl and Howard, and were able to secure an arrest warrant. Authorities did not provide details on any past incidents.

Anyone with additional information about this case is asked to contact Detective C. Dickerson at or 770-640-4453. Anonymous information can be provided through Crime Stoppers Atlanta at 404-577-8477 or online at