An 18-year-old was hit and killed by a vehicle while walking across the street in southwest Atlanta on Friday morning, authorities said.

Kimonte Vincent was walking across Campbellton Road at Alan Drive with his cousin to go to a nearby store when he was hit by a vehicle traveling west, Atlanta police said.

“My cousin — he stopped to adjust his shoe — and as he was coming back, I just heard a boom,” Dominique Holcomb told Channel 2 Action News. “The truck — it knocked him on the ground.”

Police said the driver saw Vincent but hit him after he “suddenly bent over moving further into the roadway.” The driver temporarily left the scene before returning “under his own volition,” police said.

Vincent was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he later died, police said. No charges are anticipated against the driver.

An investigation is ongoing.

In other news:

Channel 2?€™s Dave Huddleston talked to a black police officer who said he was fired for dating a fellow officer ?€“ a white woman.

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