Georgia Tech professor agrees to repay $48K, resign

A Georgia Tech professor accused of improperly using money belonging to students and a vendor has repaid the money, Channel 2 Action News reported.

In exchange, associate professor Jochen Teizer was allowed to resign, rather than be terminated, according to documents obtained by Channel 2.

Georgia Tech said in March it had begun proceedings to dismiss the professor, who had been the subject of an internal investigation since October, when the allegations were reported.

Students and former students accused Teizer of forcing them to pay him several hundred dollars a month, Phillip Hurd, chief audit executive, said in the memo detailing the findings, previously obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Records show four students told Tech they paid the professor amounts from $21,366 down to $800, Channel 2 reported. The university also said Teizer took $16,387 from a vendor and put it in his personal bank account.

Late last month, Tech acknowledged it had received Teizer’s check for slightly more than $48,253 to repay his students and the vendor. Teizer was allowed to return to his campus office to reclaim personal belongings, which he said included model trains worth $20,000.

Teizer’s resignation takes effect May 15, Channel 2 reported. Neither side is allowed to comment.