Birth Rate in the United States Trended Only Slightly Upwards in 2023

Birth Rate in the United States Trended , Only Slightly Upwards in 2023.CNN reports the speculative baby boom many foresaw from the COVID-19 pandemic has not come to fruition.On average, births in the United States have dropped by 2% since 2014.On average, births in the United States have dropped by 2% since 2014.Between 2019 and 2020, births declined by 4%.Almost 3.7 million births occurred in the United States in 2021, nearly 46,000 more than in 2020.Almost 3.7 million births occurred in the United States in 2021, nearly 46,000 more than in 2020.Experts say the slight rise in births in 2021 “doesn’t necessarily mean that declining trend is over.”.I’m always a little bit skeptical of just one year [of data]. , Beth Jarosz, demographer and director Population Reference Bureau, via CNN.But in this case, I really would need to see what happens in 2022 to try to suggest that that’s any kind of a rebound or trend. , Beth Jarosz, demographer and director Population Reference Bureau, via CNN