Credit: Courtesy Cecil Williams
Cecil Williams’ high-risk drink of water
Cecil Williams: how his defiant photo at a white water fountain changed him and defined a movement.
Black hairstyles take a stand against white beauty standards
Since the 1930s, Atlanta hairstylists and beauty influencers have made the city a hub for the celebration and preservation of Black hair culture and its history.
Credit: Ben Gray
Black gays practice resistance daily being their authentic selves
SUNDAY LIVING: 021923 BHM Peon Resist – In 1921, a white farmer and a black man who worked for him were convicted in the murders of 11 black men in Newton County.
Credit: Associated Press
Angelo Herndon, a Black communist, defeated Georgia’s insurrection law
Angelo Herndon arrived in Atlanta in fall 1931 and by the following year had organized a multi-racial group of 1,000 out-of-work laborers to march on the Fulton County Courtho
How Maynard Jackson Jr. broke the good-old-boys grip on city funds
020123 AAJC JACKSON AIRPORT -- When Maynard Jackson mandated minority participation in 25% of all airport contracts, the business community pushed against Atlanta's first Blac
Credit: Courtesy Criss Ford
‘The water brought us, the water took us away’
Over the years, details of the story about a group of enslaved Africans who rebelled in 1803, choosing death over bondage, has survived more than 200 years and been told acros...
Credit: Afua Richardson
Black comic book artist enjoys magic of her imagination
Afua Richardson, one of few Black female comic book artists, has spent her career working to find what she loves through art.
Credit: Charlie Watts
Nap Ministry redefines resistance by resting
The Nap Ministry is a platform that provides resources on destigmatizing the necessity for rest and highlighting the perils of prioritizing productivity and capitalism over re...
Satchel Paige’s Brave experiment
Atlanta Braves owner Bill Bartholomay cared about Satchel Paige enough to hire him as a pitcher-coach-trainer for long enough to meet his pension needs.
Credit: Greenwood
Black banks long important to Atlanta, a bastion of financial strength
The rapid decline in the number of Black banks, largely attributed to the Great Recession’s disproportionate effect on minority communities, prompted a wave of Atlanta leaders...