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Black History Month

Learn about black history and the story of the civil rights movement in Atlanta, the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr. Join The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as we take a look at some of the most prominent individuals, events and stories that have impacted America, over the course of Black History Month.
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Plane crashes seem to be on the rise in 2025. Is it safe to fly?

Georgia Republican challenged on Trump agenda at Roswell town hall

Dogs, sonar, cameras: How Lake Oconee search for missing coach intensified

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Credit: RCT

At night, the entertainment scene in Columbia, SC comes alive
Experience Columbia, South Carolina’s nightlife and all its cultural offers.
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Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Date night at home: 3 easy meals to make for couples
Just because health care workers are always on the go doesn’t mean they can’t make time to spend with their special...
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Take our Black History Month quiz and put your knowledge to the test
Do you think you know all about the accomplishments of the people who helped shape America?