A massive multi-purpose operations and bus maintenance facility MARTA is planning for Clayton County got a $13 million boost in funding from the federal government on Tuesday.

MARTA plans to construct a 105,000-square-foot maintenance facility on 30 to 35 acres in north Clayton County by 2026. The facility will create about 350 jobs and cost about $116 million, MARTA said Wednesday.

The federal money is part of $464 million in grants the U.S. Department of Transportation announced Tuesday to help “replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment.” The agency said the money also will help purchase construct bus-related facilities, according to a release.

“Millions of Americans rely on public transportation to access healthcare, jobs and other vital services,” FTA Deputy Administrator K. Jane Williams said. “During this unprecedented time, we need to ensure access and mobility for the riders who depend on our nation’s bus systems.”.

The transportation organization hopes the facility will allow it to more efficiently centralize bus services for Clayton and south Fulton County and offer a place where buses needing repairs can be fixed more quickly.

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