Use of artificial intelligence assists in fitness attainment

Client begins with working out on the Exerbotics leg press. The computer reads the individual's workout intensity displaying a graph for both client and trainer to see.

Credit: Exercise Coach

Credit: Exercise Coach

Client begins with working out on the Exerbotics leg press. The computer reads the individual's workout intensity displaying a graph for both client and trainer to see.

Q: Can you tell me about the “Exercise Coach” in Alpharetta? It appears to be a gym with personal trainers.

A: This by-appointment-only fitness studio is outfitted with high-tech robotic exercise equipment that personalizes programs requiring only two 20-minute workouts per week and includes the guidance of certified coaches.

Not an avid gym-goer or a part of the gym scene, the 50ish owner of the Exercise Coach, Eric Roberts’ long-term goals included a health element.

A buddy of his in Nashville owned a franchise. The concept of a 20-minute workout intrigued him, but like many he thought he needed to exercise at least an hour a day.

“As I started as a customer, the first thing I noticed within a couple of sessions was the increase in my stamina,” said Roberts. “So walking up the stairs I wasn’t running out of breath. I started seeing some of the toning and all of the other things that go along with building muscle.”

The boutique fitness studio markets the underserved: those who fear being watched, need encouragement or motivation and those not having the time, according to Roberts.

“On your initial visit, we get basic information that includes the health history and any conditions we need to be aware of. We sit down for conversations about previous fitness involvement, goals and objectives, and what does that look like to them. We then walk through the first part of the machines for tests on range of motion and maximum effort. The second appointment finishes up the machines,” he stated.

Machines called Exerbotics utilize a database and biofeedback. As you workout, the monitor displays the machine adjusting itself to the amount of force and pull that you’re doing to make sure your muscles are loaded.

“You get a 20-minute full-body workout and then we add coach cardio,” said the owner. “The coach (trainer) is there watching you making sure you are always following protocols and giving motivation.”

Recovery time is better and faster through the process of the machines, whole effort exercise and the coach, he added.

The artificial intelligence of the machines will adjust the “load” to the person working out.

“Levels of effort and force will be different,” Roberts said. “The machine knows when it is working with someone who has been working out as opposed to one who has never worked out or not worked out in a while.”

Address: (Henderson Commons) 735 North Main St., Suite 800, Alpharetta (770-870-1750)

For more information, visit

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