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A reader wants this sidewalk fixed soon.

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A reader wants this sidewalk fixed soon.

Item: Brookhaven (DeKalb)

KM Glenn is concerned about a water issue.

“Since before Christmas, there has been water running or leaking in the southbound lane on Peachtree Road in front of Brookhaven Plaza,” said Glenn.

Glenn said the leak is approximately at 4010 Peachtree Road in Brookhaven.

“Sometime around the first of the year, DeKalb County must have done something because now there is an iron plate over the area, but water continues to leak. DeKalb County just voted to increase the water and sewer bills by some six percent. Can we afford to just have water running?” Glenn asked.

We sent the issue to the county and will keep you informed.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

A reader sent us a photo of a messy sidewalk.

“The attached photo is of the hazardous sidewalk and broken pedestrian walk signs at the corner of Northside Drive and Marietta Street. This corner is a heavily used pedestrian traffic area, due to its location near Georgia Tech, and numerous apartments in the area, including student housing.

“These conditions have existed for at least four years, as a likely result of fiber optic cable contractors that do not return the city of Atlanta’s infrastructure to its original condition. I hope you can help get this repaired,” the reader wrote.

We sent this to the city’s transportation department and will let you know when it’s fixed.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Atlanta DOT Public Relations Manager Michael Frierson, mfrierson@atlantaga.gov