Sandy Springs has approved a subgrant agreement with MARTA for the Medical Center Station to Dunwoody MARTA Station Pedestrian/Bicycle and Transit Connectivity Improvements Project.
The project will add a bicycle/pedestrian facility on the west side of Peachtree Dunwoody Road from just north of I-285 to Hammond Drive. Plans also include bike and sidewalk improvements on Lake Hearn Drive from Peachtree Dunwoody Road to Sandy Springs city limits.
Specific components include 10- and 12-foot-wide side paths, 6-foot-wide sidewalks, ADA compliant curb ramps, 24-inch-wide curb and gutter, turning lanes, storm drain structures and standard streetscape elements (lighting, brick pavers, and landscaping).
When completed, this project will improve bicycle and pedestrian activity and traffic operations between the Dunwoody and Medical Center MARTA stations. It will connect to recently completed bicycle/pedestrian facilities that tie directly to the MARTA Medical Center Station. Additionally, the project will extend the Ga. 400 Multi-Use Path project, currently in design, up the west side of Peachtree Dunwoody Road to Hammond Drive.
The project is expected to cost $4.8 million with the city responsible for a 20% match of the federal funding or $960,496. The Perimeter Community Improvement District has agreed to provide the local matching funds required under the subgrant agreement.
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