The Johns Creek City Council recently approved a $101,400 contract with Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company for the Barnwell Road at Niblick Drive Intersection Improvement project.

Improvements to the intersection include striped medians (as opposed to raised islands) and a left turn lane on Barnwell Road into Niblick Drive.

The city has engaged the community on multiple occasions to plan and prioritize intersection improvements to the Barnwell Road corridor.

In 2020, the city made improvements to the curve where Barnwell Road becomes Jones Bridge Road and at the intersection of Barnwell Road at Barnwell Elementary School, adding a left turn lane into the school. Earlier this year, the city completed the installation of a roundabout at Barnwell Road and Rivermont Parkway. An intersection improvement at Barnwell Road and Holcomb Bridge Road is currently under construction.

This project hopes to improve sight distance (for drivers turning in and out of Niblick Drive) and reduce vehicle speeds on Barnwell Road.

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