Suwanee was awarded $160,000 to complete a study of potential projects for the city’s pedestrian and bicycle plan update. To receive the funds, the city has entered into a contract with the Atlanta Regional Commission, which administers the funds.

The Suwanee Pedestrian and Bicycle Loop Study will develop a concept plan for a continuous multi-use path around Suwanee with connections to the Suwanee Greenway, downtown Suwanee, and other regional trails. The plan will include an alignment, environmental impacts, and cost estimates for constructing the multi-use path and pedestrian improvements to connect to the path. The plan will also examine and develop a plan for crossing Peachtree Industrial Boulevard near the Suwanee Town Center.

Part of the agreement requires the city to share in 20%, or $40,000, of the plan’s cost. As the plan progresses, the city will seek public input.