Snellville approves $15.33M budget

The Snellville City Council recently approved the FY 2024 budget totaling $15.33 million. (Photo by Karen Huppertz for the AJC)

Credit: Karen Huppertz for the AJC

Credit: Karen Huppertz for the AJC

The Snellville City Council recently approved the FY 2024 budget totaling $15.33 million. (Photo by Karen Huppertz for the AJC)

Despite revenue being down in several areas due to a slowdown in development, the Snellville Fiscal Year 2024 budget will see a spending increase of 4 percent or $634,019. The Snellville City Council recently and unanimously approved the budget totaling $15.33 million.

The city plans to vote in early July to keep the millage rate the same. For property owners who have not received an increase in their property tax assessments, this budget will not include a tax increase, city officials said in a statement.

“The great, great majority of this increase is in salaries,” said City Manager Butch Sanders in a statement. “We are taking care of our public safety officers first and foremost by raising our starting salary and increasing numbers throughout the police department,” Sanders added.

Budget highlights include $800,000 for street resurfacing projects and $950,800 for the city’s annual stormwater repair projects. Sanitation and recycling services will be subsidized with $1.18 million in property taxes. The only planned capital expense is $150,000 for a new bucket truck for the Public Works Department.

View the budget online at