Lilburn officials recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Hood Road/Bryson Park realignment project at the park entrance, 5075 Lawrenceville Highway.
The $4.3 million project will realign Lilburn School Road and Jennifer Drive, which currently form separate, stop-controlled intersections with Lawrenceville Highway. The plan will remove both intersections, allow the two roads to intersect, and create a roundabout just inside Bryson Park.
A third leg of the roundabout will be built to intersect with Lawrenceville Highway and align with Hood Road to the south. A traffic light will also be installed at this third point of the roundabout to eliminate three separate stop-controlled intersections.
When completed, the realignment is expected to improve visibility and safety for motorists and pedestrians, as well as improve access for vehicles needing to make wide turns like the school buses that serve nearby Lilburn Elementary School and Lilburn Middle School.
The project is funded with a $1 million State Road and Tollway Authority grant, Gwinnett County, Georgia DOT and SPLOST funds.
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