Three years ago, when a roundabout opened at Medlock Bridge Road and Peachtree Corners Circle in Peachtree Corners, residents were, for the most part, vocally opposed. Social media posts on construction progress generated hundreds of comments, many frustrated with the chosen solution for this busy intersection.
As is often the case with social media, comments ran the gamut from total outrage to those trying to explain the benefits of these “through traffic” intersections over traditional stop and wait traffic lights.
At the time of its opening, Peachtree Corners Public Works Director Greg Ramsey stated, “Roundabouts promote a continuous flow of traffic in all directions versus a traditional traffic signal that stops at least one direction at all times. The roundabout allows for a greater volume of traffic through an intersection while minimizing delays, particularly during off peak hours.”
The Georgia Department of Transportation devotes an entire section of their website to these circular intersections.
GDOT notes their benefits include improved safety, lower vehicle speeds and reduced congestion. They also state the long-term cost effectiveness of roundabouts over the maintenance and operational costs of traffic signals. Plus, many cities find these grassy knolls provide an opportunity for enhanced landscaping or public art, thus turning an otherwise ordinary intersection into an aesthetically pleasing focal point.
Safety alone could be reason enough to appreciate this new roundabout. From 2013 to 2015, Peachtree Corners reported 13 accidents at this intersection, 5 of which resulted in personal injury.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, one extensive study in Minnesota found roundabouts resulted in an 80% reduction in fatal and serious injury crashes.
Now that Peachtree Corners’ roundabout has been in full operation for a little over two years, public comment centers around how to fluidly navigate the roundabouts as opposed to their existence.
One recent social media venter commented that they were, “further delayed because of the idiot IN the round-a-bout thought they were being nice STOPPING to let someone enter the round-a-bout!”
Southern drivers are not always known for their kindness, but in this case, frustration ensued when the thoughtful driver in the roundabout was unaware of the “give way rule” which requires entry traffic to yield to traffic already in the circle.
To avoid future social media embarrassment, motorists can learn how to navigate this and other roundabouts by watching a video provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation:
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