Community-centered decision making earns Suwanee national recognition

Suwanee Police Captain Dwayne Black and Lt. Simon Byun receive the Voice of the People Award. (Courtesy City of Suwanee)

Credit: City of Suwanee

Credit: City of Suwanee

Suwanee Police Captain Dwayne Black and Lt. Simon Byun receive the Voice of the People Award. (Courtesy City of Suwanee)

Suwanee recently received a 2023 Voice of The People Award for Excellence in Safety. Polco, a community engagement and civic analytics technology company, presents the VOP Awards in partnership with the International City/County Management Association. This nationally recognized award is the only one given to local governments based on resident input.

The VOP Awards honor local governments for engaging residents and including public opinion in community decisions.

Many award recipients were nominated after receiving the highest or most improved ratings from residents on The National Community Survey. The database represents perspectives of more than 50 million Americans, and well over 100 jurisdictions conduct the survey each year.