On Nov. 3, there was an election to fill the remainder of former Doraville Councilman Robert Patrick’s term following his resignation to run for the DeKalb Board of Commissioners. Because none of the candidates reached over 50% of the vote on Election Day, there will now be a runoff on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at Doraville City Hall, 3725 Park Ave., according to a press release.

The race will be between the two top performing candidates who currently appear to be Gerald Evans and Julie Newman.

Early voting procedures are still being decided by the DeKalb Board of Elections but you will be able to request an absentee ballot if you wish to avoid voting in person on Dec. 1.

The city will provide details on that process as they become available.

Doraville residents should note that this runoff is taking place separately from the U.S. Senate runoffs taking place on Jan. 5.

Information: doravillega.us

When is the Georgia US Senate runoff?

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