Clarification: An earlier version of this story said the developer planned to build the maximum number of residential units on this site. The documents submitted to the city did not clarify that the developer planned to build 709 residential units instead of the maximum of 816 that’s allowed by Chamblee’s zoning code.

Days before a redevelopment project is discussed publicly for the first time, a developer released details about the proposal that would bring hundreds of townhomes and apartments to Chamblee.

The Chamblee Park project would transform about 31 acres near I-285 and Peachtree Road into a sprawling mixed-use complex with more than 700 residential units and up to 20,000 square feet of retail space. The developer, Toll Brothers Inc.’s subsidiary Thrive Residential, is applying to rezone the property. It’s the sole topic of discussion scheduled for the Chamblee Design Review Board meeting at 6 p.m. September 1.

This is the latest large project to be announced for that area of metro Atlanta. It’s only about a mile away from the former General Motors plant in Doraville, which Atlanta-based Gray Television announced in May would be transformed into a 128-acre film and entertainment hub.

The city posted the Design Review Board agenda packet to its website at the end of last week, providing details on the Chamblee Park project. The packet includes site plans, various renderings and other logistical design elements.

Chamblee would need to rezone 62 parcels to clear the way for the project. A shuttered church building and a few standalone homes — some vacant and some for rent — are currently on the properties, which surround Parsons Drive and Deacon Lane. The developer would demolish all existing structures if its project is greenlit.

City code permits up to 396 townhomes, 45 single-family detached units, 375 multi-family units and 20,000 square feet of retail, commercial and restaurant space to be built on the site. The developer clarified Sept. 1 that it plans to build roughly 87% of the maximum number of residential units.

The project would also include two parking decks and a multi-use trail, which would run through the mixed-use complex.

Due to the size of the project, the developer applied for designation as a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs in May. It was reviewed and approved by the Atlanta Regional Commission, allowing the developer to pitch the project to Chamblee.

The Chamblee Design Review Board doesn’t make policy, but it does make recommendations for the City Council. Residents can participate in the Sept. 1 meeting via Zoom or in-person at City Hall, located at 5468 Peachtree Road.

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