The Chamblee City Council all raised their hands Tuesday to vote for an item to allow taprooms in the city’s downtown.
Given their hands were all up in the air like they were giving a toast, Councilman John Mesa gave a hearty “Cheers” after they voted to pass the item.
Multiple businesses had approached Chamblee about opening a taproom, according to a memo included in the agenda packet for Tuesday’s council meeting. However, the city’s code previously outlawed stores from serving craft beer and wine from a wall of taps unless it was brewed on-site.
The updated code allows for taprooms in the Downtown Chamblee Town Center PUD (planned unit development) district, an area that encompasses a roughly one-sixth-square-mile plot in the city’s downtown. The area is bordered by Peachtree Boulevard to the northwest, Chamblee Dunwoody Road to the southwest and the properties to the east of Peachtree Road.
Credit: City of Chamblee
Credit: City of Chamblee
Taprooms also often sell growlers and packages of beer and wine. Unlike brewpubs, taprooms do not need to earn majority of their revenue from food sales.
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