The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority is investing approximately $225 million in State of Good Repair work on its heavy rail lines that will enhance the safety of the rail system, reduce train delays, and improve the customer experience, according to a press release.

MARTA’s Track Replacement Project will replace heavy rail between Lindbergh Center, Buckhead, and Lenox Stations beginning 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16 and concluding 4 a.m. Monday, Feb. 22. All rail service between Lindbergh Center, Buckhead, and Lenox Stations will be suspended during this time.

The Track Replacement Project is a multi-year effort that involves replacing track and switches throughout the rail system. The February work on the Red and Gold Lines includes a rail crossover (Canterbury Junction) that touches both main track lines that prevents normal single-tracking operations. As a result, free bus shuttles will replace trains between Lindbergh Center, Buckhead, and Lenox Stations and run continuously from 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, until the end of service on Sunday, Feb. 21. MARTA Station Agents and Transit Ambassadors will be at these rail stations to assist, and signs guiding customers between the bus shuttles and trains will be prominently displayed. Customers should allot an extra 30 minutes for travel through the work zone. Rail service north of Buckhead and Lenox, and south of Lindbergh, and service on the Blue and Green Lines (east/west) will operate normally.

MARTAConnect, a one-year pilot program with Uber, will also be available to customers during the project. MARTA will provide a link to a $10 Uber voucher that customers can download to their Uber app and use twice daily to travel to or from Lindbergh Center, Buckhead, and Lenox rail stations. The customer is responsible for any amount over $10 per trip and will not receive a credit for any trip less than $10. Details on how and when to download the voucher will be provided as the project date nears.

The Track Replacement Project is part of MARTA’s ongoing commitment to enhancing customer safety and experience. Also underway is a systemwide Station Rehabilitation Program that includes aesthetic and amenity upgrades, the Elevator and Escalator Restoration Program, the implementation of an improved audio-visual customer communication system (AVIS), and the largest capital project in MARTA’s history, the purchase of new railcars.


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