Are you looking for luxury handbags at an affordable price? Bella Bag in The Shops Buckhead Atlanta is the go-to spot for your high-end bag purchases. They sell authentic, pre-owned handbags and jewelry from luxury brands such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel.

Bella Bag owner Cassandra Connors wanted to have a place in Atlanta where people could go and purchase authentic designer purses without the fear of purchasing a fake item. "I really wanted to create a place where people didn't feel ashamed for buying pre-owned and where an item didn't feel used, and where you were astonished by its excellent condition," says Connors.

The Bella Bag store is hand-bag haven for fashionistas. Rows of Chanel and beautiful Louis Vuitton bags extend across the entire length of the store. Long mirrors make it perfect to try out a purse and see if it fits your look and lifestyle. The plush chairs and friendly staff make it a great place to stop by when headed to The Shops at Buckhead. Staffers can help you with all of your questions and help you pick out the bag of your dreams. "We focus on heritage luxury brands. Our best sellers are Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermes, followed by Goyard, Gucci, and Celine," says Connors.

Items range from $300 to over $10,000 and they sell everything from designer books to scarves to luggage so you can travel in style. Of course, the $10,000 and over range would be Hermes but you can also get vintage Gucci for the $300 range. They have many exotic items such as ostrich and lizard as well. Even though they have all of their items online at, the store is a great place to see and feel to make sure you are making the right purchase for you. It's always good to go into the store, model the bag, and chat with the staff.

When you are shopping for handbags, you want to feel completely confident. Bella Bag offers 100% confidence on authenticity when you are purchasing. Their authenticators are thoroughly trained to spot fake items and check every inch of the bag for your protection. When you make a purchase and are spending big bucks, you want to make sure you aren't throwing your money away. Bella Bag has a money-back guaranteed policy because they stand behind the authentic items they sell.

They don't take just any items. The authenticators know how to price the items based on the condition of the bag. After authenticating the bag, their team rates the bag based on True Vintage, Like New, Excellent, Good and Acceptable. The bag will be priced based on the condition of the bag. It makes you feel good when you know the full price of the item and the price that you could buy a gently used one for. Gently-loved bag for a fraction of the price, we'll take it!

Even if the price tag is still hefty for you, Bella Bag offers layaway for a small price. That's right! You can get the bag of your dreams over time. Sometimes it's hard for us to spend more than a thousand dollars at one time. It makes you feel a little better when you can pay in smaller increments. You can have a piece of luxury and it won't hurt your pockets as much. Every girl likes a little luxury in their life.

"We are starting to roll out a fall calendar of events and collections including mini pop-up collections of non-handbag vintage pieces," adds Connors. Look out for events coming up this fall.

Bella Bag, 3065 Peachtree Road NE, Suite B209. Atlanta, 877-623-5522

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