Running low on toilet paper? An app can help you track it down

The app OurStreets has shifted its model to help people track down essential supplies like toilet paper

Credit: AJC

As the coronavirus continues to spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued some guidelines for preparing your household.

Toilet paper has become one of the more elusive supplies to track down amid the coronavirus outbreak. Since mid-March, it’s largely been wiped off the shelves throughout metro Atlanta.

However, there may be an easier way to get your hands on a pack of toilet paper than running from store to store — an app.

OurStreets was originally launched as a crowdsourcing app to give people a way to flag things like a car in a bike lane, a tipped over scooter or other unsafe moves from motorists.

However, amid the coronavirus pandemic, the app has shifted to another crowdsourcing endeavor — helping folks track down essential supplies like toilet paper.

Here’s how it works: Through the app, users can report what supplies they found and how much was available. They can also say whether or not adequate social distancing guidelines were being followed.

The supplies map lets people see which stores have things like toilet paper, flour, vegetables and disinfectant available.

A public map of what people have reported can be found online.

The company's CEO Mark Sussman told Georgia Public Broadcasting that they are currently receiving a couple thousand reports a day.