Most kids’ favorite part of the school day is recess. Just because they’re learning from home doesn’t mean they don’t need that break during the day.
Have you tried yoga?
Cosmic Kids Yoga is available on YouTube, so you can stream it through your television.
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Jaime Amor started teaching yoga in 2010 in schools in her area (Henley on Thames and Marlow in England). Her husband, Martin, suggested they videotape the classes so kids could do yoga anytime. In 2012, Cosmic Kids, which Amor says will help your children become “stronger, calmer and wiser,” was born.
Using stories kids already know and love — "Frozen," "Moana," Pokemon, "Star Wars" and more — and characters they'll connect with, Cosmic Kids provides healthy screen time for your little ones.
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Videos come in three lengths: under 10 minutes, under 15 minutes and over 15 minutes; and three energy levels: calm, focus and active.
In addition to yoga, Amor provides online stories, mindfulness, relaxation and dance.
There are also lesson plans available for purchase so parents can teach their kids yoga.
Another YouTube offering is "Yoga for Kids," with Sophia Khan. Khan has pint-size partners helping her with breathing, warm-ups, poses and ways to power down.
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Yoga for the Classroom is a 10-minute standing yoga sequence "for all ages, all types and all moods." This YouTube video is good for a short break during the day.
Whether you home-school your children on a regular basis or are just trying to get through social distancing caused by the new coronavirus, these yoga sessions may benefit both kids and parents.
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