Zuckerberg and Musk continue online feud over possible real-life fight

Musk wants to stream the fight on X

Quick time line of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk drama .The billionaires are feuding again and here's how and when it started. .In 2016, Musk failed SpaceX attempting to launch a satellite that was intended to be used to beam internet access to developing nations.In 2017, the two argued about AI. Musk has anxiety about it while Zuckerberg doesn't see anything wrong with it. .In 2018, musk made #DeleteFacebook trend after deleting his accounts. Encouraging others to ditch Facebook.In 2023, Musk calls Zuckerberg a "cuck" and says Instagram is depressing and cannot be trusted. .2023: Zuckerberg launched Threads, a direct competitor of Twitter. .2023: Musk challenges Zuckerberg to a cage fight.

Social media moguls Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk stepped up their online feud once again over the weekend.

Back in January, Musk criticized Instagram, calling the platform “depressing” and saying that it “cannot be trusted.” Not long after, Zuckerberg released Threads a direct competitor of Twitter (now named X) that’s a bit like Instagram and Twitter rolled into one.

When Musk blocked Threads from being reposted on X, Zuckerberg began posting screenshots of his Threads posts on the platform. The pair’s war of words escalated, with Musk eventually challenging Zuckerberg to an MMA-style cage match.

This past weekend, Zuckerberg, who’s won various jujitsu championships, proposed a date for the fight — August 26. While Musk hasn’t technically accepted, he did suggest the fight should be streamed live on X to raise money for a veterans’ charity. Zuckerberg responded, asking, “Shouldn’t we use a more reliable platform that can actually raise money for charity?”

The feud between Musk and Zuckerberg dates back to 2016, when Musk’s company, SpaceX, failed to launch a Facebook satellite that, according to Politico, “was intended to be used to beam internet access to developing nations in 2016.”