Watch: Michelle Obama sings backup for Bruce Springsteen

Here are five fun facts about the former First Lady.1. She graduated from both Princeton and Harvard Law School.2. She was nicknamed "The Closer" because of her persuasive speeches.3. She loves to watch reruns of the "The Dick Van Dyke Show.".4. Her memoir, 'Becoming,' was the best-selling book in the U.S. in 2018.5. She had her brother play a basketball game with Barack Obama to see his true character when they first started dating

Former first lady Michelle Obama could have a career in music.

According to El Pais, 55,800 fans were in attendance at the Barcelona stop of Bruce Springsteen’s international tour. Little did they expect the special guest who joined the Boss for the 1984 hit “Glory Days.”

Michelle Obama, armed with a tambourine, joined Springsteen’s wife, Patti Scialfa, and actress Kate Capshaw to sing backup.

According to Insider, Barack Obama was on the sidelines, smiling and cheering on his wife during the performance. Before Michelle joined the band on stage, a fan captured the former first couple dancing along to “Dancing in the Dark.”

While El Pais reported that the Obama’s were in Europe on business, they also made time to see the sights. The two were spotted with Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw at the Moco Museum in the city’s old quarter.