Atlanta syndicated radio host Bert Weiss has been nominated for a potential spot in The Radio Hall of Fame.
He is one of 24 candidates, which also includes NPR’s Nina Totenberg and former American Top 40 host Shadoe Stevens. The top six vote getters from 800 potential voters in the industry are automatically in and two more are named by a nominating committee.
Weiss began his show in 2001 on a brand new top 40 station Q100, which began on a very weak signal. He leaned hard on relationships and pop culture in the early years and the chemistry of his early team helped The Bert Show become a top 40 powerhouse morning show in Atlanta. In 2010, he went into syndication and has established his show in more than 20 markets. Even with turnover on his staff, he has managed to maintain a powerful hold among women in this market on what is now Q99.7 to this day.
“Super honored and feels very surreal to have our show associated with the names already in the hall,” Weiss said. “I don’t spend a lot of time honestly appreciating what we’ve accomplished. So something like this really makes me stop and absorb that we’ve done something really special in our city for over 20 years at a high quality.”
Two Atlantan radio veterans who are already in the National Radio Hall of Fame are political talk show host Neal Boortz and consumer guru Clark Howard. Boortz is now heard on Talk 106.7 while Howard left radio and now focuses on his website and podcast.
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