While it won’t go on exactly as it has in years past, Georgia Sea Turtle Center’s yearly Turtle Crawl is open for registration and you can become a sea turtle ambassador and race for a mission.
“To ensure the health and safety of all participants, the 2021 Turtle Crawl race will be held virtually. Run with us on May 1, 2021, from your favorite stretch of sand or pavement, as we celebrate the start of sea turtle nesting season,” the description read.
If you’re participating you can “pick your favorite course and run with us in unison, from wherever you are. While we encourage you to track and share your progress with friends and family, we will not be collecting official race times or declaring winners. Every turtle-loving supporter is a winner this year!” the registration page said.
Usually occurring in person, people from all over the world have taken part in the Turtle Crawl since 2003. They’ve done so to support the Jekyll Island-based Georgia Sea Turtle Center’s goal to rescue and rehabilitate the oceanic creatures. The center also researches and provides education on the matter. For nearly two decades, participants have raised over $100,000 to aid in sea turtles’ thriving and survival.
Standard registration is $30 and includes a 2021 race T-shirt. You can also make a $5 Ghost Crawler donation. The top-tier loggerhead registration, which included a 2021 race T-shirt and 2021 race medal, has sold out. Register before midnight on Friday, April 2 to guarantee your race T-shirt will be delivered by race day.
“Depending on the selected registration level, race materials, including medals and T-shirts, will be mailed beginning late April,” the registration page noted. “While every effort will be made to deliver materials by race day, delivery could be delayed due to shipping and production changes as a result of the pandemic.”
The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is the sole turtle education and rehabilitation facility in the state. The public can visit the center at 214 Stable Rd, Jekyll Island to learn about turtles and see rehabilitation occur before their eyes.
May 1, 2021
Location varies
Cost: $30 for standard registration, $5 Ghost Crawler donation