Study: Listening to your favorite song could help relieve pain

5 ways music , can boost well-being & mental health.According to a survey by DICE and Populous, 23% of people say that music has been the biggest support to their mental health during the lockdowns.'The Independent' offers some evidence-based examples of how music can help your emotional and psychological wellbeing.1. Music can help remind you of happier times. .A 2019 study by Durham University's Dr Kelly Jakubowski found that for older people, music triggered memories from when they were aged 10-30.Music first heard when you were a teenager tends to trigger the most vivid memories.Music first heard when you were a teenager tends to trigger the most vivid memories.2. Music is often used as a form of therapy. .Music is often employed to help people living with dementia, as well as children and adults with mental health or developmental needs.Music is often employed to help people living with dementia, as well as children and adults with mental health or developmental needs.A 2013 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that two weeks of regularly listening to upbeat music could bolster people’s mood and happiness.3. Classical music can help you relax and stay focused.A 2007 Stanford University study found that classical music helps people filter out distractions and feel calm and focused.Music even helps us absorb new information more easily.5. Music helps people cope with pain. .A 2015 review in The Lancet found people who listened to music before, during or after surgical procedures experienced lower rates of anxiety and pain afterwards. .Music is an incredibly powerful tool that can help stave off the lockdown blues.

The next time you’re feeling pain, you might want to hold off on taking that aspirin. According to a new study, music therapy could be the way to go instead.

A study, published in Frontiers in Pain Research, found that subjects listening to music experienced less pain than control subjects. The researchers used “thermal stimuli” on the subjects’ upper arms, simulating pain they described as like “a hot cup of coffee held against the skin,” adding that participants were at no risk of physical harm.

What the subjects were listening to made a difference too.

“We compared two different types of music: relaxing music that was taken from a music therapy application that’s been proved to be effective in prior studies, and self-selected preferred music,” noted study coauthor Mathieu Roy, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at McGill University in Montreal.

“Listening to music activates various regions of the brain, mainly the auditory cortex (located in the temporal lobes), which is critical for processing incoming auditory information,” explained Psychology Today.

“The effects generally range between a 10 to 20 percent reduction, so similar to anti-inflammatory drugs, for instance. The mechanism of how it works is different, but the amplitude of the effects appears to be comparable,” the study concluded.

According to the study, “pain is a significant societal and individual burden, and there is a need for alternative ways to relieve it without over-reliance on pharmacological analgesics, which may produce side effects and dependencies.”

Previous studies have suggested music can also help reduce blood pressure, and improve sleep quality, memory and mental alertness, according to John Hopkins Medicine.