Amid the coronavirus outbreak, college students across the country have been tasked with navigating a new normal, from online learning to potentially losing part-time gigs.

That’s why one metro Atlanta college began raising money to help its students out in this time of need. Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, part of the University System of Georgia, set a goal of raising $100,000 for its Student Emergency Fund.

Recently, thanks to nearly 400 donors, the school surpassed its goal.

Even during the best of times, the slightest hiccup can disrupt a student’s education.

“That’s where the Student Emergency Fund comes in, some of the most common requests include shelter, groceries and transportation,” Christine Rosen, GGC’s executive director of Individual Engagement, said in a statement.

“The Student Emergency Fund, which also includes Grizzlies Helping Grizzlies, is a unique program that provides assistance to students in times of emergency and great need. Often, these situations can threaten to derail a student’s education. But with your generosity, we can help these students persevere through difficult times,” according to a post on the school’s website. “Grizzlies create caring and supportive relationships that are essential to success, learning, persistence and graduation, and support institutional health and community growth. We can strive to attain all of these goals by helping our students.”

According to the school, donations came from faculty, alumni, students and the board of trustees.

“We have had an outpouring of contributions from the GGC Board of Trustees for the Student Emergency Fund,” Bartow Morgan, Jr., BOT chair, said in a statement. “Assisting our students who need that hand up during this challenging time has been a special honor for the board to support.”