Ryan Reynolds Opens up About ‘Lifelong’ Struggle With Anxiety

Ryan Reynolds Opens up About, ‘Lifelong’ Struggle With Anxiety.On May 26, Reynolds took to Instagram tospeak candidly about his struggle with anxiety.The 44-year-old ‘Deadpool’star made the post inhonor of Mental HealthAwareness Month. .Reynolds said that his late post honoring the month wasa perfect example of how anxiety affects his life. .One of the reasons I'm posting this so late isI overschedule myself and important thingsslip. And one of the reasons I overschedulemyself is my lifelong pal, anxiety, Ryan Reynolds, via Instagram.He went on toacknowledgethat he knowshe’s “not alone”in the struggle. .I know I'm not alone and moreimportantly, to all those like me whooverschedule, overthink, overwork,over-worry and over-everything,please know you're not alone, Ryan Reynolds, via Instagram.Reynolds ended his message by sayingmental health isn’t “talk[ed] enough about” and thathe hopes his post will help “destigmatize” it. .We don't talk enough about mental healthand don't do enough to destigmatizetalking about it. But, as with this post,better later than never, I hope.., Ryan Reynolds, via Instagram